[JANUARY 2025 ] Powerful Inspirational Happy New Month Prayers and Blessings for Loved Ones
Hurray! Happy new month! It is another brand new month, the month of November. I am super excited that you are among those who made it to this significant month. It is a privilege anyway! Here you have powerful new month prayers and blessings prepared for you.
In several parts of the world, it has become a norm and culture to celebrate a new month. And being the 11th month, it should begin with every sense of spirituality by sending our good thoughts and wishes to one another as text messages.
You will agree with me that extending new month prayers and blessings to our friends, family, and loved one is a way of showing our heartfelt love and warmest way of showing that we care about them.
However, as a child of God, you should know better than anyone else that every new month comes with new blessings. It is, therefore, an avenue to invoke God’s blessing upon your life, loved one, family, friends, and many other important people in your life by simply sending them happy new month prayers and blessings that will protect and cause an unrecoverable breakthrough in their life throughout the remaining days of the new year.
The beginning of a new month, therefore, is not just like any other day but another special moment you need to decree good things and God’s word with regards to His promises and plans for your life and that of your loved ones.
Bearing this in mind, I am certain you do not want to bypass this very important moment without showering new month prayers and blessings on yourself and through new month text wishes on loved ones.
So to complement this season, I have prepared for YOU, 120 effective new month prayers, wishes, and blessings, that if declared with faith, will manifest in your life and loved ones. How lucky of you to have these new month quotes and prayers before you, on your screen!
Without further ado, I am about to take you on a journey of new month quotes and wishes that you can share with your friends and family to show that you truly care for them.
Get ready to be a partaker in these spirit-filled prayers, blessings, greetings, wishes, and quotes to spice up the celebration of the first day of the month. I assure you that it is going to worth your time!
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New Month Blessings for Myself and Loved Ones
It is God’s desire for us to be blessed always. The Bible establishes that “Out of the fullness of His grace He has blessed us all, giving us one blessing after another” (John 1:16). So, it is evident that without the outpouring blessings of the Lord in our lives, we cannot live life at its peak. Therefore, it is very important that you seek God’s blessings over your life. It is also not a bad idea if everyone that is associated with you is also blessed with these new month prayers and blessings I am about to share with you.
It should be noted that the blessing of the Lord cannot be experienced until they are declared by faith in your heart. In this section, you will have access to new month blessings and prayer that you can personally declare to yourself, or turn them over and send to your family and friends.
1. Lord, I thank you for the opportunity and grace to see this beautiful month. I declare and decree that this month shall be filled with God’s blessings, protection, and goodness for me and loved ones.
2. The Lord is my shepherd. I shall lack nothing good in this new month. (Psalms 23:1)
3. This month shall be a season of peace, ease, fulfillment, grace, favor, and good health for me and my household.
4. Father, never forsake my family nor allow my seed to beg for bread. I pray for abundance and surplus in my family in Jesus’ name. (Hebrews 13:5)
5. It is my prayer that I will today and always have reasons to bless God for all He has done, for what He is doing already, and for all that He will do in my life as I venture into this new month.
6. In this season, there shall be a shower and a heap of blessings in my life in Jesus’ name. (Ezekiel 34:26)
7. May this new month be the beginning of open doors: divine favor, greatness, restoration, and intervention on every matter that concern me in Jesus’ name.
8. I pray that God will restore all lost glory, blessings, promotion, and happiness in my life in Jesus’ name.
9. Like a pillar of cloud in the day and like a pillar of fire at night, the LORD shall go ahead of me and my family throughout and beyond this month.
10. The Angels of the Lord will surround and keep me from falling. They will carry me through the month and my days will be filled with testimonies.
11. May the good Lord grant my heart desires
and make all my plans to succeed this new month. (Psalms 20:4)
12. Father, as I walk through this month, may excellence distinguish me from my peers. May I manifest wisdom and understanding beyond the number of my age.
13. By the always-abounding blessings of the Lord, I shall be positioned for grace and several doors of opportunities shall be opened unto me in Jesus’ name.
14. Grace shall abound mightily in my home and I and my family shall have sufficiency in all things.
15. Father, I put my trust in you for my safety, strength in times of weakness, and grace in all my endeavors this month.
16. This is my month of rising and shining. I shall be at the top like a city on a hill that cannot be hidden in Jesus’ name. (Matthew 5:14)
17. Every door of long time success that has been close against me shall be opened this new month in Jesus name.
18. In this new month, I shall be filled with the knowledge of His will and purpose concerning my life. I receive grace and wisdom to fulfill my purpose in life.
19. I become a voice to reckon with both far and near. Stagnation shall have no place around my dwelling. I break new grounds to achieve all my dreams and aspirations this month.
20. Lord, as I go this month, ignite within me a holy passion and fire that cannot be quenched. Draw me to yourself with everlasting love and hope that cannot be shaken. May the light of your truth illuminate my part and bring me to the saving knowledge of your Son.
Biblical New Month Prayers and Wishes for Family and Friends
There is no better way to launch fully into a new month than sending or sharing with your family and friends a couple of amazing new month prayers and wishes that will set them open for blessings in the coming days of the new month. Sending new month prayers and wishes to your loved ones is a quick way to invite divinity in their daily activities.
As a child of God, the Bible urges us to watch and pray for one another all the time. So, it is a good thing to start a new month with prayers and good wishes. These new month prayers and blessings I am about to share with you would help express the message in your mind to your friends, family members, colleagues, or even your boss at work.
21. It is my prayer that the presence of the Lord shall overshadow and be with you everywhere you go this new month. You will be protected by God from every fiery dart the enemy aims at you.
22. As you journey into the new month, the Lord says: I will go before you and make the hard places smooth. I will break the brass doors to pieces and cut through their iron gates. I will give you riches hidden in darkness and the things of great worth that are hidden in secret places… (Isaiah 45:2-3)
23. Father, grant me strength as I go through this month. When I am tempted to give up, help me to keep going. Grant me a cheerful spirit when things do not go my way. And give me the courage to do whatever needs to be done. Happy new month!!!
24. My prayers for you are that God blesses you with all you desire. You will get a greater experience of awesomeness than you have ever imagined this month. From deep within my heart, I wish you a favorable New month. I hope you get the best out of the month.
25. Every good and perfect gift shall find their way to you this new month in Jesus’ name.
26. It is my prayer for you that every day of this new month shall come with lots of surprises and an abundance of joy and gladness. Happy New Month!
27. May the light of the Lord shine upon your life and on your entire family. Have a blessed month.
28. May you rise above every challenge on your way to fulfilling destiny. Accept my little way of saying a happy new month, friend.
29. I pray that God will make this month filled with memorable moments, glorious experiences. Happy New Month to you.
30. May the love of the Lord fill your heart in a speed of light as you enter this blessed month. Selah!
31. I wish you success, success, and more success in everything you do this month. May all you achieved in the past months be superseded by this new month’s results. Have a merry filled new month.
32. In this new month, you shall experience good health, joy, happiness, peace of mind, and a sense of fulfillment. These and so much more are my wishes and prayers for you in this new month and always.
33. Wishing that this new month brings you lots of reasons to celebrate life! Remain blessed.
34. My heartiest wishes to you in this new month is that God will illuminate his light on every darkness in your life, and bless you with the peace nothing can give. Keep your faith high, and expect nothing less. Do have a fulfilling month.
35. You are alive because you are covered by grace. My prayer is that the grace of God shall continue to abound greatly in your life.
36. Wishing you a promising new month with lots of achievement and promises fulfilled. Keep pushing; you never know what tomorrow has in store for you!
37. As this new month open a new leaf, may the doors of success in your life begin to open one after the other. Wishing you a happy new month.
38. No matter what you have passed through in the past, I pray that God makes your present glorious, and the future amazing. Happy New Month. Enjoy!
39. One month is not just a period in the calendar – it is a period of your life. So do not neglect it and make the most of it. Best places to visit, best people to meet, best books to read, best feelings to experience – I wish you it all. Happy new month!
40. In this new month, may everything that you do point always towards your goals and dreams in life. Happy New Month.
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New Month Quotes and Prayers for March
In this session, I made a list of short but powerful, inspiring quotes and prayers you can send to your friends, relatives, and lover through SMS. However, you can as well be your brother’s keeper by sharing some of these new month prayers and blessings on your social media handles such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram among others. In all, ensure to put a smile on someone’s face with these happy new month quotes and prayers.
41. Every day is a chance to begin again. Don’t focus on the failures of yesterday, start today with positive thoughts and expectations. Cheers to a successful new month.
42. Let from this month onwards your days become happier, purposeful, satisfying & joyful. Happy new month to you.
43. The secrete of getting ahead is getting started early. Do have a fulfilling month ahead!
44. At every end is just a new beginning. Keep your determination and spirit unshaken, and you shall always walk the glory path. With efforts, faith, and courage, you shall conquer everything you want and desire. I wish you a glorious new month!
45. From the depth of my heart, I wish you the best this month. May all your expectations be met this month. Remember that there are over a million reasons to be happy and be grateful for life. Enjoy the blessings that the new month has to offer.
46. You don’t have to be one of those people that accepts things as they are. Every day, take responsibility for changing them right where you are. Happy new month!
47. New month, new challenges, new hopes, new goals…I hope you beat every challenge and achieve your goals this month successfully.
48. No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. Remain blessed throughout this month.
49. Patience is the key to all doors of success. It teaches us the art of hard work. Practice this and you shall find the real concept of success and happiness. Happy New Month to you.
50. Every time you state what you want or believe, you’re the first to hear it. It is a message to both you and others about what you think is possible. Don’t put a ceiling on yourself. It is a new month of possibilities for you!
51. This month, may you be like a shining diamond amid this miry world. May your brightness surpasses that of the sun. Happy new month!
52. It is important to forget the past and think about the future because it is the only thing you can change. There’s a fire within you that can change the world. You just need to learn to listen to it. Happy new month!
53. You will stay ahead in everything you face this month because the Lord has given you the strength and courage to pull everything off. Have a victorious month ahead!
54. The deadline for reaching your goals has been extended for yet another 30 days. So make every effort to ensure you work smart and hard. Happy new month!
55. As you venture into this month, I pray for you to actualize all your dreams and accomplish your goals. It’s your month to make a difference, and I won’t stop praying till all your expectations become a reality. I wish you a blissful happy new month.
56. May God give you reasons to always be grateful every day of this new month. Remain blessed. Happy New Month!
57. Be confident. Too many days are wasted comparing ourselves with others and wishing to be what we are not. Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses, and it is only when you accept everything you are — and aren’t — that you will truly succeed. Happy new month!
58. In this beautiful new month, you will be celebrated, promoted, and elevated. Cheers to a successful month!
59. A happy new month to you. May your love for God and fellowship with the Holy Spirit abound more than ever in Jesus’ name.
60. As you journey through these four weeks, I pray that you will receive help and increase spiritually, mentally, financially and all that is yours. Happy New Month.
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New Month Greetings and Prayers
Are you in dire need of new month greetings and prayers for your colleague, lover: husband, wife, fiancee, girlfriend, or boyfriend? Do not worry. I know you are here because you never want to miss the opportunity to express your feelings to your lover this new month.
Hence, the reason why I prepared the best collection of new month greetings and prayers you can send to represent your thoughts towards them as they dive into the new month.
61. It is a beautiful new month my love, we shall wax strong in God’s love. We shall flourish in the love He has etched in our hearts for one another like never before. Happy New Month.
62. Let the mistakes of yesterday be left behind. May the goodness of today locate you. Happy new month, love.
63. It is another blissful month, my soul mate. My prayer for you is to experience immense success, happiness, and joy in all you lay your hands on this month. You will be blessed beyond measure. Every day of this new month will end with a bountiful harvest that will spice up your life.
64. This new month is loaded with goodies and packages specially designed for the one who completes me in every way possible. Happy new month, beautiful.
65. This new month is full of life and an overflow of joy. Hello Babe, it’s going to be a beautiful new month for you and me rockin’ love and more.
66. To the one who makes me smile, who makes me laugh, who wipes my tears in times of trouble. To the one who holds the key to my heart, I wish a happy new month.
67. I will hold your hand through anything good or bad, but I hope this new month brings with it only the good because I can’t bear to see you sad. A lovely new month to you my love.
68. Happy New Month, Babe! I promise to cherish you more this month and spend every minute of it with you right by my side!
69. The Bible was not joking when it said ‘he who finds a wife finds a good thing’ it underscores who you are to me in every way, I love you, Honey. A happy new month to my lovely fiance.
70. Cheers to another wonderful month, and I hope you will enjoy it to the fullest. Happy New Month to you, my one, and only.
71. If you keep holding my hand, no change or challenge can weaken our love! Happy New Month to you! May the upcoming month marks our togetherness with eternity!
72. My darling wife, you are not just one woman to me. You look after me like you are my mother. You are beautiful, and I admire you, so you are my star. You are my faithful ally in life’s struggle. You are everything I crave for — happy New month to the bone of my bone.
73. The happy new month my dearest. You make my world go round, and my life so beautiful. My love for you is everlasting.
74. It’s the beginning of a new month, I pray that it shall be the beginning of great things in your life, the beginning of abundant blessings, unspeakable joy, and limitless happiness. Happy new month, darling.
75. God will chase every sorrowful experience from you as you journey through this month. The balm of His peace shall He pour over your soul. I wish you a peaceful new month, honey.
76. In this new month, Elohim shall set your life in order and you will never do anything against His will. As He leads, you’ll follow, into great experiences.
77. The Lord will cause the activities of those who are deliberately working against you to work for your good. Happy new month, dear.
78. May the Lord accelerate the accomplishment of your goal in this new month by the wisdom of His Spirit. Stay blessed!
79. I pray that you will receive grace to daily seek God throughout this month and beyond in Jesus name. Happy new month.
80. Happy new month, dear. It is my prayer for you that the wonderful promises of peace and security of God be fulfilled in your life in Jesus’ name.
Happy New Month Prayers and Blessings For Family And Friends
A new month comes with plenitude and a plethora of goodness that we need to claim for ourselves, and as well as other important people we cherish. Hence, the need to remind our friends, fiance, boss, mother, father, Uncle, Aunt, Brother, Sister, boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, Pastor, coworkers, etc that we think about them and want the very best for them in every facet of their life as they enter the new month.
In this section, I have put together for you a couple of happy new month wishes and blessings you can shower on important people in your life to begin the month on the right foot.
81. May you soar above every challenge and disappointment in this new month and beyond. Happy New Month to you.
82. The Lord shall go before you, making every crooked way plain. Every mountain and valleys shall be leveled for your good. Have a great month.
83. As you begin a new month, I pray that your walk through the days ahead will be filled with your love for others, a love that does not count the cost. Remain blessed.
84. Choose faith over fear. Traverse this month confidently. Rule! Reign! Have a glorious month.
85. In this new month, there shall be showers of blessing and outpour of God’s grace in your life. Do have a prosperous new month.
86. Whatever the new month is bringing for you, be it good or bad; always keep that smile on your face no matter what. Don’t let the light in you die. Happy new month!
87. Forget about the days and night, ups and downs, good and bad of the previous month. It’s time to launch your hope for the best. Wish you the best New Month ahead.
88. May all that you do in this new month be productive and successful. Happy New Month to you
89. May you receive grace to go beyond the afflictions and tribulations, and to look towards the inheritance reserved for you in heaven. Happy blessed month to you.
90. The Destiny of cane sugar is to be cut at the time of its sweetness. My prayer for you is that you will not be cut off at the time for you to flourish and prosper. You will Fulfill your destiny in Jesus’ Name. Happy New Month!
91. You will not lack anything good this new month. Peace like a river will overflow your soul. God bless you this new month and beyond.
92. The glory of the sun can never be hidden. It shines for all to see. May your life shine beautifully. May men come to the light of your shining. Happy new month
93. I pray that Jesus Christ our Savior shall perfect everything that concerns you this month. Do have a joyous new month!
94. Your going forth shall be favored, your coming in shall be blessed. May all your effort prosper beyond your expectations this new month. Enjoy a glorious day ahead.
95. Divine help and direction will locate you this month. When you call for one, thousands will answer. Everywhere you go, you will be celebrated. Have a beautiful month.
96. My prayer for you is that every broken piece of your life shall be amended by the Creator. You shall have beauty in place of ashes. Have a testimony-filled month.
97. Every month comes with its package, may your package be filled with greatness and success. Enjoy the divine favor that comes to you this month.
98. My wishes for you is too much to start listing, but among all, I wish you robust health and happiness all through the days of this new month. Have a prosperous month ahead.
99. Just as the sun never stops shining, so shall the glory of GOD never cease to shine in your life happy new month.
100. Enjoy Grace at its pinnacle. Blessing at its depth. Success at its peak. Favor at its horizon. Goodness more than your expectation…. This and more are my prayers for you in this new month. Enjoy!
New Month Prayer Point for Breakthrough and Deliverance
The importance of prayer in the life of a Christian cannot be overemphasized. We must understand that just as God has marvelous things for us in every new month, the devil also has his evil agendas to carry out. Hence, the need to claim the good thing the Lord has for us in the new month, and make void the power of the devil over our lives. However, the only way this can be possible is through prayer for breakthrough.
Often, we pray for a general breakthrough and wait for something to happen. We never think about asking for the specific breakthroughs that we need. It is a good thing when we have breakthroughs on all sides – everything will appear smooth and uncomplicated for us.
In this section, I have prepared for you sumptuous prayer points for different kinds of breakthroughs you may be needing. So, ensure to fervently pray these powerful new month prayer points for breakthroughs to get the month going in the way your heart desires it to be for you and your loved ones.
101. Lord, I come against every power chanting “NO” to good things in my life. I declare YES to beautiful experiences in Jesus’ name.
102. As I journey in this month, I command every door of opportunity that has been closed, to open in Jesus name. I gain easy entrance to places that I don’t have access to before now.
103. In this new month, the Lord through the power of the Holy Spirit drops in my mind ideas that will make me sit amid kings and royalties. Ideas that will change my financial status shall begin to flow in me in the name of Jesus.
104. Father, in this new month, open my eyes to see the secret of divine blessings and let me align myself to it in Jesus’ name.
105. I am free from the grip of sicknesses and diseases. My health shall blossom like a plant by the riverside. I shall leap for joy in this new month.
106. Just like King Ahasuerus could not sleep until the book of record was read and Mordecai’s situation was changed drastically, the same way my helpers will not be able to rest until they help me. My matter will be brought to their heart this month and I will receive massive help. I will roll on the floor like David because I receive victory over all the situations in my life.
107. The Bible says when the Lord turned the captivity of Zion, they were like they that dreamt. In the same way, the wonders that will happen in my life in this new month shall be amazing. My song throughout this new month shall be “God of awesome wonders.”
108. Lord, help me to break through the facade and know myself as you do.
109. Father, use your almighty power to give me a pleasant transformation this period in Jesus’ name.
110. Saviour, set me free from all forms of bondage in which the enemy has kept me.
111. Father, break protocols on my behalf in this new month. Wherever they have said it is impossible, let there be an endless possibility in the name of Jesus.
112. In this new month, with the greatness of your power, Lord subdues every power holding me down. I break free from my oppressors in Jesus’ name.
113. In this new month, situations that were meant to frustrate me, begin to turn around for my good. I access power to handle overwhelming circumstances and come out victorious.
114. I pronounce that this month will send me helpers of destiny from far and near. All and sundry will seek me out to offer me helping hands that will bring me and my loved ones to the limelight of greater success and heights. I receive this with thanksgiving in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.
115. I decree in the name that is above every other name, my rise to fame and glory shall stun the world. I shall tell a story of grass to grace in this new month. Nothing shall be able to stop me in Jesus name
116. Lord, as I step into this new month, I receive the grace to do well. I receive grace to go beyond my strength. I receive supernatural strength to do the ordinary extraordinarily.
117. Father, in this new month, I nullify every form of delay in my life. The yoke of delay is broken in my work, marriage, business, finance, studies in the name of Jesus.
118. My father, my father, let there be the restoration of every lost glory and potential in me this new month.
119. In this new month, I shall not be a failure at the edge of success. Nothing will abort my breakthroughs.
120. Father, remove every hindrance on my way to greatness this month in Jesus name.
121. According to your word in Psalms 18:29, that says, “For by thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall.” I declare that this month, In am unstoppable. I overcome every form of hindrance and blockage. I advance without limitation on all sides and progress evidently, in the name of Jesus.
122. Thank you Lord, for answered to prayers. in Jesus name I prayed. Amen.
I have successively completed six subheadings namely: new month blessings, new month quotes and prayers, new month prayers and wishes, new month greetings and prayers, happy new month wishes and blessings, new month prayer points for breakthroughs on the journey to shower new month prayers and blessings on yourself and loved ones.
How is your experience? I’d like to hear from you if you had an excellent ride all through.