110 Inspirational Quotes on Overcoming Fear of the Future
No matter how strong we have been or how courageous we have faced life, on few occasions, we would have experienced the thick wall of fear on our journey in life. Sometimes, this fear hinders us, at some other times, we broke free and had a breakthrough to reach out for our pursuit.
Quotes on overcoming fear are to help us with some way of thinking so we can have something in our subconscious mind at those moments when life seems to be saying, “Do not dare it”. Truly, challenges tend to push us back into our shells, but we must learn to choose faith over fear and peace over panic.
Any of these overcoming fear quotes may be sent to friends and families who seem to be at a juncture where it seems the force outside is stronger than the force within them. These inspirational quotes about fear will jerk their consciousness back to life and help them to face their challenges without fear of the unknown.
Inspirational Quotes About Fear
Many today need encouragement from fear because they are full of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of man, fear of the future, fear of survival and so many other kinds of fear. These inspirational quotes about fear will spur anyone to action and go forward to take their position as a champion.
As you read these quotes on overcoming fear, I guarantee that you’ll be encouraged indeed and find that word of encouragement to share with someone who might need it.
1. The greatest medicine to fear is to look up to God alone for help.
2. What we fear today might never come to pass. Forget about your fear and though it does not exist. and trust in the LORD to do the best.
3. Fear drains you of the strength and happiness to live and use today to its fullest. Cheer up!
4. The fear for tomorrow is the reason many never prepared for tomorrow. You don’t have to worry about tomorrow, just put all your Strength into preparing for it.
5. Fear can sap all the energy you need to think, plan and build wisely. Avoid!
6. Fear has not solved any problem, neither can would it bring any solution, why give in to it?
7. Giving in to fear might look like the only solution to a challenge, but NO, it’s not a solution, instead, it’s an addition to the challenge.
8. The LORD is with you. Don’t be afraid. Fear no one. Fear nothing.
9. An escape route from fear is to remember that God is able.
10. Faith revives, fear quenches. Choose Faith.
11. Keep looking on to GOD, as the author and the finisher of your life. He sure won’t give up on taking care of you. Never!
12. Whenever fear wants to set in, increase the volume of the sound of faith in your heart.
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Overcoming Fear Motivational Quotes
Fear is Crippling. It does not only negatively affect the present, it harms the future. Fear has kept many into believing the voice of their challenges and into believing just anything that comes their way.
Learning to always choose faith over fear is the beginning of an always victorious life. The following fear motivational quotes are what I can refer to as “Fear is Crippling quotes” because they reveal how fear can be crippling. Reminding yourself of these quotes on overcoming fear, will give you the edge over any situation life may throw at you.
1. If an able-bodied man gives in to fear, he will soon become a cripple, because fear disables.
2. Fear is a stranger that introduces worries and anxiety to us. It does not only come to stay; it comes to steal.
3. Fear keeps you below the best of yourself. It reduces you to a lower version of yourself.
4. If a man allows fear, it can bring destruction to all he has built for a long time. Fear is a destroyer.
5. Fear is crippling. It can never make you rise into the fullness of maximizing your potentials.
6. Faith encourages, fear disheartens. A fearful man feels weaker.
7. Fear is a key to the door of failure and stagnancy. Faith opens the door to success and progress. Choose your key wisely.
8. Helplessness is the motto of fear.
9. Living in fear of the future hinders access to the goodies of the future.
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Don’t Be Afraid Quotes: Christian Biblical Quotes on Fear
A lot of things are happening around us. Sometimes we want to wonder if there’s really a God up there. And if there is, why does he just watch us without intervention. The truth is, God is so much interested in us. He has promised us, that He is with us in all things and at all times. The following Don’t be afraid quotes will reveal more on this.
Don’t be afraid, is a direct encouragement from the Lord. At different points in time when the children of God are faced with strange happenings that could trigger fear, God speaks to assure them.
God’s word to us all is in the Bible, this means when any situation or challenge arises, we should learn to check through the Bible to hear God on what He’s saying concerning the present, also we could do well to allow the Holy Spirit that’s within us speak to us, for He is the comforter, teacher and our guide.
When we do this, we will be able to choose Faith over fear, and peace over panic.
Below are some Christian quotes on overcoming fear, that will help you in facing fear and overcoming fear.
1. Be not afraid. The Lord is with you.
2. To be fearful is to forget that the Almighty is with you, for you, and in you.
3. Do not be afraid. Arise and shine for the Lord is your light.
4. No matter how stormy the sea may seems to be. Remember that Jesus is on your boat; you don’t have to be afraid.
5. If God is for you what can be against you? Absolutely nothing.
6. Stop looking at the storms. Look to God. He will make you strong.
7. Be strong and courageous. There’s nothing bigger than God.
8. Even when there seems to be no way of escape; the Lord will surely make a way for you.
9. A man of great faith has nothing to be afraid of. He is to be feared.
10. When everything looks below what you ever expected, all you need to do is to call the attention of God.
11. Nothing good comes out of fear. Get over it.
12. Being afraid gives you a weakness; being courageous gives you an unexpected strength to continue.
13. A courageous man sees no reason to give up. He keeps going even when he feels fearful.
14. God is there for you, even in the dark and in times of lack.
15. God is everywhere; even in that storm.
16. We can not face a situation bigger than we can handle it. Fear is never the way out; rather, it shows us the way out.
17. When all our focus is on God and not on the things around us, we will have no reason to be afraid. Instead, we will have more reasons to be courageous.
18. If God be for you, who or what can be against you.
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Quotes About Faith and Hope
Faith is to believe what you cannot yet see, but you know will soon become a reality irrespective of the present happening. While hope strengthens faith, it is the lifeline that keeps faith going. Without hope, faith will be crippling and baseless. Without hope, there will be no expectation for faith, and thus, it cannot persist.
Quotes about faith and hope are to let you know that these two work hand-in-hand, and must be guarded jealously to enjoy the desired outcome. Let these quotes on overcoming fear through faith and hope gear you up to the finish line.
1. A hopeless man is a faithless man. To keep your faith active, keep your hope alive.
2. What you don’t have faith for, you can not hope for it.
3. Where there is faith and hope, there is progress and victory at last.
4. There will be no faith without hope. Just like there would be no rain without a cloud.
5. Hope makes no one ashamed. It is the confidence that our desire shall be our expectation.
6. Blessed is the heart that houses Faith and Hope.
7. Fear will stop your faith from going into action (works) and faith without action (works) is dead. And if our faith is dead, then we are hopeless.
8. Show me a man of Faith and I will show you a man who is not hopeless.
9. Dead faith is a sign of the presence of fear and the absence of hope.
10. Faith and Hope are best friends, but faith remains the mother of Hope.
11. Keep the faith and be hopeful, kill the faith and be hopeless.
12. What kills faith? FEAR. What builds Faith? Hope.
13. Fear ends in shame. Faith produces testimony of victory.
14. Faith births Hope and Hope attracts Blessings.
15. What you have faith in/for, you will have Hope in/for also.
16. Those who walk by faith and not by sight, are not without hope.
17. Where there is hope, there is a reason to keep living and to stay happy.
18. Both fear and faith do not jump on us. They come by what we hear from others and/or what we say to ourselves. Be deliberate about words.
19. There is Hope, Faith says. There is no Hope, shouts aloud.
20. When hope ceases, living ceases.
21. When hope seems to be fading away, never stop hoping again.
22. Hope motivates the mind and the heart to keep living.
23. Faith is an assurance that the best will happen, Fear is the thought that the worse will happen.
24. Faith sees the unseen as real than the seen.
25. Amid stormy sea, calm your heart. Listen to your inner man and you’ll find peace and hope
26. Fear is a stranger that should not be hosted.
27. A hopeless man has no future.
28. Faith is at work in you when you always see hope in all things. But, if all you see is that there is no hope, it means fear is at work in you.
29. Hope cannot be by sight. Hope is on the unseen but we have faith that we shall see it.
30. How far we journey in this life depends on two factors: our hope and our faith. Keep building the faith and never give in to fear.
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Quotes About Being Scared of the Future and the Unknown
Quotes on fear of the future are part of our collection of the most powerful quotes on fear.
Sometimes, fear is the fear of what may later unfold. Most time, if not all of the time, fear is always futuristic. It is therefore necessary to include quotes on overcoming fear of the future and the anxiety that comes with the unknown.
One thing needs to be cleared out; you are human, with limited knowledge. It is, therefore, safe to save yourself from the concern of the future yet unfold. What you can do, is to get yourself equipped and strong enough to prepare for the future, so you can at least predict what it may look like.
1. Be positive. Be optimistic. What lies ahead is better than what you’ve been through.
2. You may have all the reasons to fear, but you have all the responsibility to maintain your faith.
3. Relax. Be calm. The time of draught is usually preceded by an abundance of rain.
4. Fear cripples. If there is anything you should be afraid of, it’s the negative effect of fear.
5. Nothing deserves Fear, not even your future.
6. The fear of the future has deprived many of the Maximization of today’s opportunities.
7. You don’t need to fear for the future, you need to work towards the future.
8. Fear saps you of the energy needed to create the future you’ve always wanted.
9. Your future is in God’s hand, trust in the Lord.
10. Fear not. He’s with you even to the end of time.
11. Trust the Lord who knows and owns your future.
12. Fear not, God who has kept you yesterday, will keep you today and days to come
13. The only fear you’re permitted to entertain is the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom.
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Quotes About Facing Fear
What can we do in order not to allow fear to overcome us? It is for us to face the fear.
These quotes about facing fear include quotes on fear of the Lord, fear and faith quotes, fear no man but God quotes, and many more.
Do well to read carefully as these quotes will surely help you face your fears and know what best to do when fear arises.
1. Many things look fearful, but you must look at God, in Him all our fears are gone.
2. Faith and Fear both demand your consent, you can choose faith over fear.
3. There is a peace that comes with the voice of God, desire to hear His voice when fear arises.
4. Fear might arise, it is that visitor that wants a host. Never allow it, keep building Faith.
5. Your faith is what keeps you stronger while facing fear.
6. The Lord cares for us, let us keep approaching Him with our fears and without fear.
7. Focus on the bigger one (God) inside of you, don’t look at your frail self when unplanned situations arise. God is able!
8. Your prayers are powerful weapons in facing fear.
9. Facing fear requires your alertness to the voice of God.
10. Faith and fear are contending forces. Your actions tell who wins.
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Quotes About fear And Prayer
Prayer is one big means by which we commune with God and by which we make our petitions, intercessions, and supplications known to Him. Fear of God in the place of prayer is important but any other kind of fear is considered harmful as it could soil our prayers.
These quotes about fear and prayer will reveal the crippling power of fear in prayer and the potency of faith in communion with God. So far I believe the other quotes on Faith and Hope, quotes on facing fear and Don’t be afraid quotes must have helped you a lot. I wish to let you know that those quotes are also what births these quotes about fear and prayer.
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1. Prayer requires Faith and not Fear.
2. You need faith before praying and you need faith also after Praying.
3. In prayers, you must choose Faith over fear and peace over panic, because faithlessness equals prayerlessness.
4. Prayer works faster in unshakable faith
5. Fear has nothing to contribute to prayers.
6. Fear intends to wear you out, but you must by faith wear out fear.
7. Faith is the activator of prayer. Without faith, prayer is merely talking to the air.
8. Fear is like an extinguisher, it keeps quenching and wiping off progress.
9. Fear doesn’t believe in good results. It focuses on a bad ending.
10. Weak prayers will produce weak results. What causes weak prayers? Fear!
11. Fear is a deception, and anyone that agrees to be led by this deception will soon be deceived into unpleasant situations.
12. The potency of prayer is seen when prayers are done in faith.
13. If your prayers will please God and cause Him to answer, do it in Faith!
14. Jesus prayed in faith and He has answered accordingly. Do the same.
15. Fear adds nothing to prayers; instead, it blows it away.
16. Prayers are answered based on faith.
17. Pray without ceasing. When you feel like praying, pray. When you don’t feel like praying, pray still.