Welcoming Message For Students

120 Inspirational Welcoming Message For Students From Teachers And Principal

You’ve got students resuming a term or semester in your school or college; or for the online course and you’re looking for the right welcoming message for them? Just sit back and put your mind at ease. We have arranged lots of welcoming messages for students that you can select from and trust us, your students will feel most welcome.

Welcoming message for students is very key in wetting their learning appetite as it helps them feel homely and relaxed such that there is no bridge of division between them and you.

This collection of welcoming message for students is well thought out and will definitely make the students welcome indeed.

Motivational Welcome Message to Students from Teacher

Searching for welcome messages to students from teacher? We know that teachers definitely want to make their students feel very welcome and establish the right relationship with their students most especially on their first day of resumption in an academic semester or session.

Students also on the other hand are waiting to hear an encouraging, welcoming message from their teachers after the long break or holiday.

These welcome messages to students from teachers have been carefully sought out and are going to surely fulfill the purpose for which they have been arranged.


1. Welcome back to school! I am looking forward to having a great academic session with you.

2. Dear students, it gives me great joy and gladness to be with you again in this new academic session. I hope this year brings you the privilege of failing so that you can learn to persevere on the path to success.

3. Excited to have you here! We will be on a voyage this year to make ourselves better as we build on previous knowledge gained and overall, make our world a better place.

4. It gives me great pleasure to see you again! Remember, no one attains greatness perchance. You have to work towards achieving it.

5. You are unique, special, and wonderful. There is no other version of you. I love to see you all prosper!

6. I trust you all enjoyed your break! I am so glad to see every one of you again. Be more focused and determined than before this time around. I love you all!

7. As you continue in your academic pursuits, I want you to always have these words ringing in your mind: I can! I will! I must!

8. My beloved students, please note that hard work does not kill a man rather, laziness does. Be up and doing and don’t give room for indolence.

9. I am delighted to see you all once again. As you go along your daily schedule, remember that procrastination as they say is the thief of time. Therefore, don’t shift till tomorrow what you must do today. Do it now!

10. Today marks a new beginning with new opportunities and privileges to be a better you. Make the best out of it!

11. I welcome you all to school today. You are a bundle of limitless possibilities. Each day comes with opportunities to bring out the best in you. Make each day count!

12. Welcome students! I am greatly passionate about your success in all your courses. I implore you to cooperate with me so we can achieve great feats together.

13. Welcome students! It’s a brand new day. Make new friends, join new associations that will inspire you to achieve greatness.

14. Dear students, you might not all be at the top of the class at the end of the session but there is something in you the world needs and is looking for. Do not fail your generation.

15. My dear students, it gives me joy that we are together again. I can’t wait to make use of this privilege to impart the knowledge to take you higher in your various pursuits.

16. Dear students, your attitude to situations will determine what you get in return. Have a positive attitude to life. It won’t always be rosy.

17. Dear students, you are privileged to have a parent figure in your life inspiring you to be something in life. The least you can do for them is to make them proud by being focused and diligent in your studies.

18. Dear students, John Locke said: The human mind is a tabula rasa.” This simply means that you are responsible for filling up your mind with profitable knowledge. No one will do it for you. Take responsibility!

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Inspirational Welcoming Message for Students In Class And Online

Usually, taking a random sampling of students all over the academic world, a very few percentage are usually personally inspired and don’t need any external inspiration before they hit the mark. This means that most students if they are going to be at their best, must have a source of inspiration.

That is why we’ve got you these inspirational welcoming message for students believing that they have the ability to make welcome, impart and inspire the students to achieve great feats.

Who knows, many of your students are just waiting to hear one or two of these inspirational welcoming messages for students that will push them out to be the best they can be? These can be used as welcoming message for students in WhatsApp group or in whatever online social group they may be.

You can be rest assured that with these inspirational welcoming messages for students that have been compiled, you will be inspiring many to greatness.

1. Dear students, you are welcome. Mark Twain said: “The man who does not read books has no advantage over the one who cannot read them.” Read! Read!! Read!!!

2. Good day to you my students. I want you to know that the beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you. So if not for anybody, do it for yourself.

3. My dearest students, mistakes are inevitable in our journey to success. Albert Einstein said a person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new. You are bound to make some mistakes as you progress but don’t whine over it. Get over it instead and forge on.

4. I am glad to be with you this day. I want you to purpose in your mind never to be in agreement with the master thief of life – procrastination. It only makes easy things hard and hard things harder.

5. Welcome students! Most of you desire to be great but do you know that you don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. Therefore, start from somewhere no matter how small.

6. Helen Hayes said: “The expert in anything was once a beginner. You won’t become good at what you do overnight. You have to follow through with the process. Welcome!

7. My dear students, to be ordinary or extraordinary is not a matter of predestination, it is more of your choice. Therefore, choose to be extraordinary.

8. One of the greatest presidents of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln said: The best way to predict your future is to create it. Dear students, you are absolutely responsible for the outcome of your future.

9. You are most welcome, my students. You have a duty to learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow. I hope you live always with this truth.

10. Welcome students! Just to remind you that readers are leaders. The more that you read, the more things you will know, and the more that you learn, the more places you’ll go. Fight your ignorance by reading!

11. I welcome you all to school. I expect your questions on areas you don’t understand as we progress in the teaching. A Chinese proverb says: he who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.

12. Welcome to school! Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do says John Wooden. There is something you’re good at. Give it your best!

13. Dear students, I have the expertise and I am concerned for your success. I want you to cooperate with me and trust me as we go along on this journey.

14. Welcome great students! You do have a bright future and your best days are ahead of you. Sometimes the mountain you’re climbing can obscure the view you’re about to enjoy.

15. Study like there is no tomorrow because if you keep putting it off till another time, you will probably be too late. In a nutshell, do it now!

16. Welcome my students! Time can be your best friend or your worst enemy depending on whether you use it or waste it. I advise you to use it.

17. As a student, one important thing you should bear in mind is that laziness is your worst enemy and hard work is your best friend.

18. In life, what differentiates successful people from unsuccessful people is not necessarily their brilliance or gifts. It is their determination not to give up.

19. Being a good student is not necessarily about the ability to rote but a burning passion to learn.

20. Failure is not the end of it all. It is simply just another opportunity to tackle the same problem with more experience and knowledge.

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Welcome Quotes for Students


Students all over the globe are always expectant looking forward to hearing a welcome address from their tutors, teachers, or school head on their first day at school.

These welcome quotes for students have been carefully arranged, bearing the students in mind such that it will make them feel most welcome and inspired on their way to be whatever they have chosen to be.

A lot of welcome quotes for students are out there on the net but we are quite sure this will be among the best you have ever seen.

So what are you waiting for? Delve into these welcome quotes for students and select that which you prefer best!

1. “You can learn something new every day if you listen.”

2. “Do what is right not what is easy.”

3. “There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.”

4. “It’s going to be hard but hard is not impossible.”

5. “Let today be the start of something new.”

6. “If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan but never alter the goal.”

7. “You’ve got a brain. Use it!”

8. “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.” – Dr. Seuss

9. “Education is not the learning of new facts but rather the training of the mind to think.” – Albert Einstein

10. “You have great potentials inside of you. I will be glad to see it brought to the limelight.”

11. “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” – Winnie the Pooh

12. “The difference between possible and impossible is a person’s determination.”

13. “You have a mighty mind that can make anything happen as long as you keep yourself centered.”

14. “Willpower is like a muscle: The more you train it. The stronger it gets.”

15. “Destiny is not a matter of chance but of choice.”

16. “Success doesn’t come to you. You go for it.”

17. “Many of life’s failures are those who did not recognize how close they were to success before they gave up. So, don’t give up! Don’t throw in the towel!

18. “To succeed, we must first believe we can.”

19. “To succeed, your desire for success must be greater than your fear of failure.”

20. “Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.”

21. “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out”. Robert Collier

22. “Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending”. Carl Bard

23. “Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere”. Chinese Proverb

24. “Learn as much as you can while you are young since life becomes too busy later”. Dana Stewart Scott

25. “Focus on making yourself better, not on thinking that you are better”. Bohdi Sanders

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Short Welcome Message for New Students

Are you the proprietor, principal, chancellor, or head of a certain citadel of learning and are looking for the right welcome message for new students in your institution?

We’ve seen your need beforehand and have arranged these welcome messages for new students such that your anxiousness will have to vanish into thin air as these welcome messages for new students will bring satisfaction to your quest.

Peradventure you are a teacher and know quite well that first impression, as they say, lasts longer and want to lay the right foundation for the new students in your class? We have organized this list of welcome messages for new students to help you do just this and much more.

Feel free to choose from the list that will meet the need of the moment. We are quite sure that the new students will feel most welcome and have a sense of true belonging.

1. Dear new student, you are most welcome. We are glad to have you with us. We will be dutiful enough to wake up the sleeping giant in you and make you successful in life. Welcome!

2. Dear student, we are happy and glad you decided to join this great citadel of learning. We are true to our words and will certainly deliver as promised. Thank you for trusting us.

3. Welcome to our school. As you continue with us please know that you are surrounded by people who care about you and long to help you reach your full potential in life.

4. Dear student, welcome! Our aim and mission are to support and encourage you in your journey to make the world a better place.

5. Welcome to this great institution of learning! A well-known proverb says, what a child can’t see climbing the tallest tree, an elder sitting down, will see. We are here to support you and help you go far in life via our well-experienced tutors. The sky is your limit!

6. Passing the entrance examination into this school was no mean feat. It shows you are smart and intelligent. We hope to groom you further to help you attain your maximum potential.

7. We are so elated to start this school year with you! Never ever forget that you can do anything you set your heart to do.

8. As you begin your journey in this school, I want you to know that change can be hard, but in the long run, it can create something beautiful. You are in the right place!

9. Welcome to this institution. We are happy you’ve decided to entrust us with the privilege of impacting you with the necessary knowledge. Work hard and impress your teachers.

10. We are delighted that you have been offered admission into our school. We implore you to take delight in learning, making new friends, and maximizing the avenues of opportunities you have to be a better you. We wish you the best!

11. You are welcome to this school. We are thrilled to be in partnership with you as you discover yourself in this educational journey. Best regards!

12. We are delighted to have you here with us. On behalf of all the staff and management of this college, we want to extend our warm appreciation to you and wish you the best learning experience on this campus.

13. We are so glad to be a part of your academic success. Please feel free to walk up to the office of the head for any challenge you might encounter during your stay on this campus.

14. Our heartiest welcome to you all! We are well prepared to give you a sound education and take you on your journey to greatness. Welcome!

15. You are all prepared to commence a remarkable journey with our university. We hope to be successful in making this journey as best as it could ever be for you.

16. You are most welcome to our institution. Please feel free to drop your complaints about issues on campus in the boxes provided. We promise to attend to them and make your stay here enjoyable.

17. Dear student, you are most welcome! Please ensure you abide by the rules and regulations laid down on campus. We are totally opposed to all kinds of indiscipline and insubordination. We hope your stay here is memorable.

18. You are welcome to this great citadel of learning. As you pursue your goals, we implore you to be focused and remember whose child you are.

19. Dear student, welcome! We are here to help you in all ways we can to help you achieve your desired goal. We implore that you partner with us and let us play our part as you play yours.

20. Dear student, of all the many that applied to this college, you emerged as one of the few successful people. This is no mean feat. Please remain focused and determined to be the best as you pursue your goals on campus.

Welcome Note for Students in New Class / New Academic Year


You’ve been a student before, right? You are also familiar with the pride that comes with being promoted to a new class? Sure! Every student who has been promoted to a new class will surely want to be appreciated and made to realize his/her efforts were not in vain.

These welcome notes for students in the new class will help ensure that your students are warmly appreciated and recognized for their reasonable efforts to be in a new class.

But beyond the transient feeling of being in a new class, as a teacher or instructor, you will want to make them know that being in a new class is just another stage and thus, they must be up and doing, be more determined, and focused as a new journey begins.

Thus, you will be needing these welcome notes for students in new class to inspire them to achieve more than they have in the previous class.

We are quite confident and assured that these welcome notes for students in the new class will help meet both the need of the students on one hand and on the other hand, be a potent tool in the hands of their instructors to prepare them for the task ahead of them in their new ‘world’.

1. You have defied all odds and are now in a new class. I sincerely pray that you will blaze new trails and seek new horizons.

2. The constant thing about life is change. While you are in this new class, put in your best. There will not be another opportunity to be in this class next year.

3. You are just on the next rung of the ladder. Do not rest on your oars. Strive for more and be more determined than ever to succeed.

4. As you begin something new, your fears may be screaming but don’t give in to them. Listen for those small whispers of hope and be encouraged.

5. Persevere with passion! Have a determined and strong-willed mind! It will not always be rosy but endurance is key!

6. It’s a new beginning, a bright and pleasant year. So, open up your mind to endless possibilities and opportunities to be a better version of yourself.

7. Dear students, welcome to a new class. Kindly remember that you cannot reap what you did not sow. Be diligent this time around and put in your very best in this new phase.

8. I welcome all students to this new class. I hope you will all excel in your courses. Feel free to come to me if you have any questions concerning what you are being taught. I love to see you excel!

9. Being in a new class simply means you are progressing. Do not relent in your pursuits for success. You are on your path to becoming the great person you desire to be.

10. Congratulations on being in a new class. Your dreams in life are all possible if only you don’t give in to distractions on the way.

11. Dear students, welcome to a new class. I hope you will remember that it is not going to always be rosy and that when the going gets tough, it’s only the tough that gets going.

12. Welcome to a new phase in your academic journey. I hope that you do well in your courses and make me proud as your teacher.

13. Welcome to a new class. I am passionate about your success and I promise to give my best to bring out the best in each of you.

14. Life is always in phases. You are in a new class and this is another stage in your progress. Give in to the forming process and watch your transformation into a brighter you!

15. As it is a new class you’re in now, do away with unprofitable habits, retain and strengthen rewarding habits. The sky is your limit.

16. For every prize, there is a price to pay. Being in a new class comes with a price to pay to come out successful. I hope you will pay the price.

Inspiring Classroom Quotes for Students


Usually, as a teacher, you will at one time or the other want to refer to a particular quote to keep your students motivated to succeed as they can be easily distracted. We foresaw this need and organized a list of classroom quotes for students that will help to keep your students focused.

Classroom quotes for students can motivate, inspire and make them have a determined attitude to succeed in life most especially when they feel like giving up.

Look through these classroom quotes for students and choose the ones that you feel will help you in grooming the student. You can also go the extra mile by framing some of these quotes and hanging them in conspicuous places in the classroom.

I know you will love it!

1. “It took me 17 years and 114 days to become an overnight success.” – Lionel Messi

2. If you are not scared by your dreams they aren’t big enough.

3. Never never never give up! – Winston Churchill

4. Reading is like breathing in, writing is like breathing out.

5. “There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” – Walt Disney

6. “The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” – B.B. King

7. “Teachers open the door but you must enter in yourself.” – Chinese proverb.

8. Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

9. Learn from yesterday live for today hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

10. No matter how good you get you can always get better and that’s the exciting part. – Tiger Woods

11. Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. – Thomas Edison.

12. Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. – Henry Ford.

13. Your attitude or disposition to life determines the altitude you will get to in life.

14. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

15. Respect is reciprocal.

16. Mistakes are proof you are trying. Correcting mistakes is proof that you’re growing. – James Anderson

17. If you’re diligent enough in your business you will not stand before ordinary men but before kings and men of authority. – Solomon

18. “He who does not work should not eat”. Apostle Paul

19. Mistakes are not failures. They are proof that we are making an effort. – John C. Maxwell

20. The future belongs to those who prepare for it.

21. You cannot feature in the future you do not picture.

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