tribute quotes to a dead person

65 Short Remembrance And Tribute Quotes To A Dead Person

When people are told to write a short remembrance and/or tribute quotes to a dead person, they are usually blank or at the loss of words. This can be due to the burden and grief of that loss making it cumbersome for them to come up with something.

It is in this interest therefore that this article seeks to remedy this scenario by providing you with a list of short remembrance and tribute quotes to a dead person. May your heart(s) be comforted and may you have the fortitude to bear the loss.

1. Dear [name], you may be gone from our sight but you are not gone from our hearts. We miss you

2. Every moment you spent with us is a treasure to be kept and cherished. You will always remain in our hearts.

3. It was a great privilege to get to know you on this side of life.

4. What we once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes part of us. ? Helen Keller

5. He asked for so little, but gave so very much.

6. You continue to live on in the hearts and minds of the wonderful family who survived you.

7. I miss you. A little too much, a little too often, and a little bit more every day.

8. ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master’. ? Matthew 25:21.

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You Will Be Missed Meaning

Different circumstances serve as the basis for the interpretation of the widely varied statements we do make from time to time. To elucidate more on the foregoing statement, words are to be interpreted contextually, that is, the context in which a statement is uttered gives it its precise meaning.

You will be missed meaning can be interpreted in various contexts. You will be missed can be said directly to a person yet present in anticipation of when s/he would leave you eventually. Usually, this happens when the person will be leaving in a few days to that time.

Also, you will be missed can be used in a context whereby a tribute is being made to a person after they have died. This happens when paying last respects in form of a tribute to the dead.

But you will be missed, which means what exactly? Interpreting this in the light of the first context above means that they will miss a particular quality they’ve come to appreciate in them. This quality may vary from person to person and includes but is not limited to that person’s kindness, intelligence, service, skill, and so on.

On a more intimate or personal level, some may be missed for their companionship, and affection even going to tiny details such as their smiles, laughter, etc.

You will be missed is a way of expressing our love for a person. It is a subtle yet salient revelation of our innermost feelings to the one we would miss. They could be friends, mentors, teachers, colleagues, classmates, and so on.

‘You will be missed’ can however be used as meant in the latter context i.e. after a person has died. This is not uncommon in occasions involving payment of tributes to the dead like during religious rites for the dead or at the burial ground. Although the dead cannot receive the eulogy, nevertheless, it is a way of showing those present for the funeral just how much s/he will be missed.

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You Will Be Missed Quotes: Painful Death

In life, we often go about missing a person at one time or the other. This could be a result of separation for a moment and which is not often permanent because even though we might be physically separated for whatever reason, today’s world through the advent of technology, affords us the opportunity of reconnecting with them.

However, the story is quite different when the separation is brought about by the cold hands of death especially when death’s hands are particularly ‘icy’. The feeling of separation can be so devastating and overwhelming making us to question why they died in that particular way and at that time.

Their death could also be sudden, premature, or at a time when even the dead least expected. However, we do not always understand the ways of death because both young and old, rich and poor, educated and illiterate, and all categories of people, die. The pain of such a death cannot possibly be explained with words.

Nevertheless, in a bid to express one’s grief and feelings, opportunities will be given to scribble some quotes about the person in mind. When such an opportunity comes, one can be so overwhelmed to the extent of not knowing what to write. We have therefore prepared this list of ‘you will be missed quotes: painful death’ which you can take from.

Considering the roles they played in our lives and the society at large, you will be missed quotes are the least one can ever do in reminiscing on their impact while at the same time paying them the last respect.

1. No matter where you go, you will always be in my heart. I miss you terribly.

2. Whenever I am pained about your demise, I am reminded of the joy I had in loving you.

3. Knowing you are resting in the bosom of Jesus gives me greater joy and hope than the pain of your departure.

4. You left indelible prints in the sand of time dear [their names here]. You will be missed.

5. The love we both shared is far greater than the love for women and wine. I will miss you deeply. Rest on beloved.

6. How are the mighty fallen and the weapons of war perished! – King David

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Tribute Quotes To A Dead Person

Writing a tribute quote to a dead person has been from time immemorial and will continue to be. Countless lives have been redirected by merely reading a tribute quote to a dead person.

The burden of writing one of such quotes, however, may be an uphill task for some and as life generally is all about helping the other person, we have decided to help those who might find the honorary task of writing a tribute quote to a dead person laborious, by arranging a carefully sought-out list of these quotes.

Whether you’re looking for the right quotes for a eulogy, sermon, tribute, or epitaph, these quotes are ideal for you to use in writing a tribute quote to a dead person.

1. ?Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.? – Irish proverb

2. ?How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.? – Winnie the Pooh

3. ?Only a moment you stayed, but what an imprint your footprints have left on our hearts.? – Dorothy Ferguson

4. ?More precious was the light in your eyes than all the roses in the world.?

5. ?To me, you were more than just a person. You were a place where I finally felt at home.? – Denice Envail

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You Will Be Forever Missed And Never Forgotten Quotes

We have gathered a list of you will be forever missed and never forgotten quotes and know that it will help you in writing yours too from a personal perspective.

1. As I wake up each morning to the palpable void beside me, I can’t help but realize I have lost an invaluable treasure. You will be forever missed, darling.

2. Every time your name is mentioned, I can’t help but notice how large a vacuum your departure has created. You will indeed never be forgotten.

3. [Name]’s pattern and exemplary way of life remain a masterpiece for the younger generation. Still hard to believe you’re gone. You will be forever missed.

4. For your ever fresh and warm personality which we enjoyed, you will be forever missed.

5. It’s just so hard to wake up to the truthful reality that you are no more with us. You were your best while you were still here. We all will miss you.

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Short Quotes About Remembering Someone Who Died

If there is anything we’re bound to do as humans, it is to remember those who have died. Although we might be unwilling to do so because of the grief sometimes associated with it, circumstances might prevail upon us bringing to memory a person who is no longer alive. This could be triggered by a dream, an event, a person, and many others.

On the other hand, some people also take it on themselves to deliberately remember someone who has died as a means of giving honor to them even though they are not alive to receive the honor.

We have gathered a compendium of these short quotes about remembering someone who died in this write-up. Have a look at them and see which of them appeals to you the most.

1. ?Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.? ? Alfred Lord Tennyson

2. ?As a perfume doth remain in the folds where it hath lain, So the thought of you, remaining deeply folded in my brain will not leave me; all things leave me: You remain.? ? Arthur Symons

3. ?Always in my mind. Forever in my heart.? ? Unknown

4. ?To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die.? ? Thomas Campbell

5. ?Those we love never truly leave us. There are things that death cannot touch.? ? Jack Thorne

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Missing Someone Who Died Quotes

To console one’s self over the grief, one may decide to visit the familiar resort of the person to reminiscence on the company once enjoyed. Some may also resort to reading or writing quotes that speak about missing someone who died.

Either way, grief-laden feelings of missing them will be relieved. In this write-up, therefore, we have gathered a list on this theme. It contains a compendium on missing someone who died quotes and hopes they will meet your need by providing you the needed soothing and comfort.

1. ‘We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.’ Chuck Palahniuk

2. ‘It is not length of life, but depth of life.’ – Ralph Waldo Emerson

3. ‘Mostly it is loss which teaches us about the worth of things.’ Arthur Schopenhauer

4. ?There are some who bring a light so great to the world that even after they have gone the light remains? ? Unknown

5. ?Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted? ? Matthew 5:4

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Missing Someone Who Died Quotes Inspirational

It is very alright to miss someone who has died. After all, when we are temporarily separated from loved ones or people who impact us in no mean way, we miss them and in such situations, we even go the extra mile to send them messages or ring them telling them that we miss them.

How much more when someone dies?

Although we know death is a must for everyone somehow, the time it comes is never right for us. When it thus happens, we miss these people whose lives have played a key role in our lives.

Inspirational quotes on missing someone who died can be very helpful during these times. It gives us the fortitude to keep moving on while at the same time, subtly reminding us that we will also die someday thus inspiring us to live reasonably while yet alive.

1. ?If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord? ? Romans 14:8

2. You may be gone from my sight, but you are never gone from my heart. If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I would walk right up to heaven and bring you back again.

3. Your legacy will carry on, but you will be missed. Memories of you are forever in our hearts.

4. Time may pass and fade away, but your memories will always stay. Though you are gone, you remain in our hearts forever.

5. The world is a better place because you were in it. We will definitely miss your presence but will never forget your impact.

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Losing Someone You Love Messages

Messages on the theme – losing someone you love- can be sent to help relieve and ease their burdened hearts about the loss. We know the loss of a loved one can be very depressing and overwhelming and so you want to be careful that the message you send identifies with them and helps to calm their tensed souls.

We have gathered a list of losing someone you love messages and hope you find them helpful. May God comfort your heart and grant you His peace.

1. Dear [name], I know this time is quite hard for you. I pray God comforts your heart and grants you His surpassing peace at this trying time in Jesus’ name.

2. [name] lived a good life that blessed all around/about her. Be glad and take comfort in the impactful life s/he lived. May God strengthen your heart.

3. It was a blessing and privilege to have your husband as a leader. He demonstrated rare virtues of true leadership that took us to the height we are today. We all miss him.

4. Although I didn’t get to meet with her personally while she was yet alive, nevertheless, one can tell that you loved her dearly. I want you to know I’m here for you at this time.

5. I was shocked when I heard of your spouse’s demise. S/he was so warm and great to be with. I will truly miss her(him).

6. I’m at a loss for words regarding your husband’s demise. It is comforting to know, however, that he lived a godly life here on earth and is now resting in the bosom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Sudden Death Of A Loved One Quotes

The sudden death of a loved one can be very devastating and crippling. Its pain and grief cannot be fully expressed and carries great weight. In such times, such a person needs to find solace and comfort in whatever harmless thing one finds. This can be in associating with people to help lessen the grief, engaging oneself in a consuming pastime like a sport, and so on.

Coping with such grief can also be done by reading quotes about the sudden death of a loved one. People have also been in the same situation and have written quotes that relate well to this scenario.

We have therefore gathered a varying list pertaining to remembrance and tribute quotes to a dead person and hope that you find comfort and relief as you read them.

1. A sudden death divides everything into a ‘before’ and an ‘after’. In the ‘after’ of life without you, I carry your memory everywhere.

2. Sudden death proves that life isn’t fair, but I will even the scales by keeping your memory alive.

3. “Death is not a tragedy to the one who dies; to have wasted the life before that death, that is the tragedy.” – Orsen Scott Card

4. “When God says you’re ready, it does not matter where you are in life.” – Carlos Wallace

5. “The greatest tribute we can give to the deceased is to keep on living. For when we don’t, we too shall die, before our time.” – Charles Glassman

6. I didn’t get to say goodbye to you, but there’s peace in knowing we had no regrets.

Value Of A Person After Death Quotes

In this write-up, we present to you a list of value of a person after death quotes in case you might be looking for hints on remembrance and tribute quotes to a dead person.

May they inspire us who are still alive to live valuable life.

1. ‘Whatever you want to do, do it now. There are only so many tomorrows.’ – Michael Landon

2. ‘As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death.’ – Leonardo da Vinci

3. ‘I don?t want to die without any scars.’ – Chuck Palahniuk

4. ‘Death is a distant rumor to the young.’ – Andrew A. Rooney

5. ‘What would life be worth if there were no death? Who would enjoy the sun if it never rained? Who would yearn for the day if there were no night?’ – Glenn Ringtved

6. ‘It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives. The act of dying is not of importance, it lasts so short a time.’ – Samuel Johnson

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