parent feedback for schools

30 Positive Comments And Parent Feedback For Schools, Teachers, Principals, And Management

If, since your child/ward joined the school, you have seen great improvements, not only in his or her academics but also in character and general development, then, it is necessary that you send some appreciative feedback to school from parents.

It could be to the teacher, the school management, or the principal, whoever deserves any of this positive feedback and compliments should not be denied it.

Giving feedback is great. It helps self-appraisal and facilitates improvements. Parent feedback for schools, teachers, principals, or management will help them to know what they are doing right that should be continued and what areas they may need improvement.

More so, educators deserve to be appreciated. Their impact on the students must not be overlooked by the parents. Who doesn’t like to be complimented? And educators are not exempted.

So, we thought that these samples of positive parent feedback for schools, will help you send a thank you note to the school for their great work.

Parent Feedback For Schools To Say Thank You

Usually, parents feel there isn’t any need to appreciate the people who are putting in their very best to give their child a quality education. Of course, it’s their job after all. But think of it, a word of appreciation can give them a boost in their morale. That’s what we hope that these parent feedback for schools to say thank you will help to achieve.

These sample letters of appreciation to the school principal and staff will help them know that you see their hard work and that you appreciate all of their efforts.

1. I would love to show my profound gratitude to you for the great job you are doing. Your leadership qualities have not only inspired the staff but also the students. I’m sure I am not the only parent who feels this way. Just so you know that we are aware and we appreciate the good work. Thank you.

2. I am so delighted my children attend your school. The members of staff are so passionate about what you do and intentional about the welfare and wellbeing of your students. These have caused a positive change and I am sure I am not the only one who notices this. Thank you so much and keep up the good work.

3. I and a couple of other parents thought it wise to send you this appreciation letter. In a morally decadent world, you and your members of staff are not only producing mentally sound students but morally upright ones. We don’t know how you do this but all we can say is thank you. We appreciate all of your efforts.

4. I am deeply grateful to the school. You are the best at what you do. Thank you for being role models to the children and impacting their lives positively. God bless you and the works of your hands.

5. I really cannot thank you enough for the good work you and your members of staff are doing. You beat my imagination every time. The new skill acquisition center not only shows you are intentional about their academics but their lives as well. Keep up the good work!

6. You and your teachers have proven to us the parents that you are helping us raise global leaders. The way you help to groom the mindset of these children is fantastic. Thank you for all you do!

7. To be honest, I wasn’t surprised when the reports said that your students all got into the top ivy league schools. You and your staff are hard-working and passionate about what you do. You put in your 100% every single time. Thank you for caring so much and making a difference in the lives of these children.

8. Honestly, I had to write you this letter because the staff of the school is amazing! Ever since I got my child enrolled in your school I have since tremendous improvements. It beats my imagination every single time I look at her report sheets. Thank you so much for everything.

9. I want to appreciate the good job you and your wonderful team of teachers are doing. Thank you for being intentional about your job. Your hard work is showing off in the tremendous success we see every time. Keep soaring higher and higher.

10. The school staff is nothing short of amazing! You are magicians. The way you remolded my child from what he was to what he is now, beats my imagination. Thank you so much for being an inspiration.

Related Post: Best Compliments For Teachers

Positive Comments For Teachers From Parents

Complimenting your children’s teacher is needed to let them know they are not only doing a good job but also that their tireless efforts are well appreciated.

Everyone loves a tap on the back for a job well done, so I complied these positive comments for teachers from parents to help you appreciate that man or woman who has made it their point of duty to see to the success of your children.

1. Having gone through my daughter’s notes, I am amazed by the innovative methods you are implementing into the school system. You are doing a fantastic job!

2. I just wanted to write to you and say thank you for everything. My son has never really been a fan of Science but I can categorically tell you that Science is his new favorite subject at the moment. Thank you for putting in the needed effort to change things around here.

3. I felt the need to write to you and say thank you. Your dedication amazes me. You are always ready to help at any point in time and make necessary adjustments when needed. Thank you.

4. Thank you for working so hard to make sure you create a positive and accommodation environment for the children and staff. Whenever I come around, I’m always pleased by the level of work, you and everyone put into making the kids achieve their goals.

5. I came around and see the impressive level of work going on around here. With your arrival, everything seems to be constantly changing and wearing a new face. Thank you for everything.

Related Post: Compliments For Teachers From Students For The Year

Thank You Note To School Staff And Managements

1. I am really happy about the new teachers’ training. You flushed out the old system of teaching and brought in a whole new strategy. These have made learning fun and exciting for the children. I have never seen my son so excited about mathematics. It’s a miracle!

2. Thank you for the motherly love you have for all your students. You love and take care of them like they are one of your own. This has given us parents reassurance and confidence that our children are in safe hands. It’s good to have a female role model for the kids to look up to.

3. I wanted to write to commend you on the great job you’re doing to make sure the students have the best. Your efforts haven’t gone unnoticed. Thank you for everything!

4. You have a fantastic way of keeping parents in the know of everything happening. Your communication system is amazing. Thanks and keep up the good work.

5. The way you motivate and encourage each of your students is amazing. You support them and bring out the best in them. You make geniuses in here! Thank you for putting them first.

Related Post: What To Write In School Appreciation Card

Appreciative Feedback For School From Parents

Both the school principal and school management have an essential role to play in the lives of a student and the staff. The decision they make and how they enforce such decisions go a long way in making or marring the student or the staff. The crucial decision they need to make cuts across student welfare, staff welfare, academics, morals, discipline, and even preparation for a better future.

When such people thought it wise to make relevant and reasonable decisions for the betterment of all that are involved, it is never a bad idea to appreciate them for their effort. Below are words of appreciation inform of feedback for school from parents, which you can explore.

1. My gratitude goes to both the principal and the management for a job well done. Thank you for setting a quality standard for the school and sticking to it.

2. The school management and the principal are both incredible in their jobs. You give us great value for our money. Thank you.

3. I am super glad at the drastic steps you and the school management are taking to make us better teachers through seminars and training. Thank you for making us a priority.

4. I want to thank you and the school management for all you are doing for the kids. The extra-curricula activities are making the school environment fun and desirable for the kids. As the saying goes, all work and no play.

5. I am excited to have enrolled my child in your school. The determination of both you and the management is commendable. You make the students your priority and give them the best of everything. I’m glad I made the best decision.

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