[2025] Romantic Love Quotes For Newly Married Couple
Love is a beautiful thing. Everyone doesn’t only desire to love, they also deserve to be loved.
We got you these inspiring and romantic love quotes for newly married couple to be used as a toast with your spouse or to be sent to those two love birds who can’t seem to get enough of each other.
Love Quotes For Newly Married Couple
If you’re looking for romantic words to say to your spouse, or quotes to express your unflinching love for him or her, any of these love quotes for newly married couple would inspire you with the right words.
1. I never thought love could be so magnificent until I saw the sincere look in your eyes, telling me that this time….. I would never shed a tear.
2. Just when I think that it’s impossible to love you anymore, you proved me wrong.
3. I love you for all that you are, and all that you are yet to be.
4. If I know what love is, it’s because of you.
5. In my wildest dreams, you always play the hero. In my darkest hour of the night, you rescue me, you save my life.
6. Darling, I just want to be your last everything.
7. When I tell you I love you, I don’t say it out of habit. I say it to remind you, and I mean it!
8. Yeah I know he’s cute. But he’s mine; Touch him and I’ll kill you!
9. To love is nothing, to be loved is something……to love and be loved is everything.
10. You are my everything, everything else is just……everything else.
Happily Ever After Wishes
1. I wish you a fantastic married life. Trust me, you both deserve it.
2. As you both build your new life together, we wish you an amazing journey. Well done, wonderful couple.
3. On this special day, I sincerely wish you a long and happy marriage together. Enjoy!
4. May the sweet love that brought you together never go sour. I wish you a joy-filled year ahead.
5. A heartfelt congratulations from us to you, we wish you lasting love and a lifetime of happiness.
6. May your wedding be full of a joyful and happy life together, we wish you lots of love and excitement.
7. As you walk down the aisle on your wedding day, saying the marital vows, to start a new life together, we are sure you a starting a wonderful marriage that will make you live happily ever after.
8. I feel very happy for you, seeing you getting married to your best friend. You are so lucky to be spending the rest of your life together because I’m sure you will live happily ever after.
9. As the two of you have fallen in love, and promised to forever love each other, the only thing is to wish you a “happily ever after” married life.
10. We couldn’t be happier for you. May you continue to love each other unconditionally, and remain happy forever.
Inspirational Quotes About Marriage
1. You don’t love your spouse for their looks, their clothes, or the fancy things they have, you love them because they sing that song that only you hear.
2. Love your partner when they least deserve it because that is when they really need it.
3. Marriage demands sacrifice, compromise, and vulnerability. This is not easy to give, but it is worthwhile when given.
4. Being angry with your spouse shouldn’t separate you, it should make you sit back and spend quality time with each other.
5. In marriage, you might not have to think alike, but you must think together.
6. In marriage, your vow equals never hurting your partner, never making your partner cry, never giving up on the relationship, no matter what happens, and always giving your best to make sure it works.
7. Love patiently waits, waiting patiently doesn’t necessarily mean waiting for your partner when she stops, it is the type that waits till the end of time.
8. One true secret to a happy marriage is prioritizing your relationship with your spouse, even when you have kids.
9. Build a solid foundation for your marriage, so that it can stand when any storm comes along.
10. One of the secret ingredients to a lasting marriage is spending quality time with your partner.
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A Good Marriage Quotes
1. We make a perfect marriage not by finding the perfect person, but by choosing to see the perfection in the imperfect person
2. Staying in a marriage is a choice people make, and not because the doors are shut.
3. To stay happy in marriage, you must understand that you can’t change each other, and learn to celebrate each other’s differences.
4. A lasting marriage is built by two people who believe in the solemn promise they made, and stay by it.
5. In marriages, you begin by coming together, you progress by keeping together, and succeed by working together.
6. A great marriage is something that is created, it doesn’t just happen.
7. To stay happy in marriage, you must be grateful for what you have and stay in love with your partner.
8. In marriage, the bravest apologizes first, the strongest forgives first, and the one who is first to forget is the happiest.
9. A happy marriage is always evolving and more beautiful every day, just like observing the color of leaves in the fall.
10. You think you got married to one person, but truly they are three- the person whom you think they are, the person whom they really are, and the person they will become simply because they are married to you.
Newly Married Quotes
1. Your marriage might not be good, but it can always be better.
2. Marriage is not 50-50, but 100-100. It is about giving everything you have, and not dividing anything in half.
3. The best marriage is the one where the couples strive to invest and build the self-esteem of each other.
4. A perfect marriage is not the coming together of a perfect couple; it is the coming together of two imperfect people who have chosen to enjoy each other’s differences.
5. To have a perfect marriage, you must be able to keep falling in love many times with the same person.
6. The union between two forgivers is what makes a happy marriage.
7. Your marriage is peculiar to you. Don’t compare your marriage with other people’s. Put the effort into putting your marriage into the shape you want.
8. To have a fulfilling marriage, never stop dating your wife, and don’t stop courting your husband.
9. Love is not all about looking at each other, it is in both parties looking outward in the same direction
10. Real couples are too busy to look for another partner, they remain faithful to their partners and are busy loving each other.
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Before Marriage After Marriage Quotes
1. Before marriage, I thought I Love you, now that we are together, I realize I’m just loving you.
2. What is needed to keep the marriage going, is prepared before the marriage starts going.
3. Before marriage, the man loves recklessly, after marriage the woman loves endlessly.
4. Before marriage, the man does the talking, after marriage, the woman talks and wonders why the man has stopped talking.
5. Before marriage, the world is a land of fantasy; after marriage, it is a land of realities.
Long-Lasting Marriage Quotes
1. Giving just a little extra to each other every time, as often as possible, is what makes an extraordinary marriage.
2. Wedding could be over in less than an hour, yet, to be really married takes the whole lifetime.
3. Marriage is a special kind of bond which unifies us and makes us one.
4. Marriage relationship makes you act as one, decide together, and face life challenges together.
5. A great marriage is the union between two people who are disciplined and committed to a certain lifestyle and values.
6. The basis of marriage involves having respect for the other person, which of course, comes back to us.
7. There are no boundaries or barriers for two people destined to be together. Once your heart is connected, nothing else matters.
9. Learn to let go, and not hold on to small resentments.
9. Marriage is a covenant, where a man and a woman decided to enter into an unconditional commitment for life.
Marriage Commitment Quotes
1. To maintain peace and love in your marriage, admit it when you are wrong, and shut up when you are right.
2. You cannot go back to the way it all started, but you can begin a new future in your marriage, the moment you make a choice to start investing in it.
3. We become free to be the best we can be when we honor and celebrate each other in marriage.
4. A successful marriage is not achieved just by finding the right partner, but by being the right partner.
5. One of the most beautiful things in a marriage is to be loved, just the way you are, the value is immeasurable and priceless.
6. To stay happy in marriage, you must make a choice every moment, to love each other, forgive each other, grow with each other, and grow old together.
7. One of the sweetest things in life is being with someone who knows all of your errors, and still thinks you are absolutely awesome.
8. Love is not static, it has to be made and remade afresh every day.
9. One beautiful thing about marriage is that when you fall out of love with each other, you are still kept together till you fall in again.
10. Being married is interesting, it’s so amazing to find one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.
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Strong Marriage quotes
1. True love blossoms when you care more about your partner than you care for yourself.
2. Your attitude to your partner is one little thing that makes a big difference in your relationship.
3. if you desire an extraordinary marriage, you will have to make the choice.
4. In marriage, you’ve got gaps, and your partner’s got gaps too, but the beautiful thing is to fill each other’s gaps.
5. Communication is the ultimate bond of all companionship, be it in friendship or marriage.
6. The last, best chance we have to grow up and be better is marriage.
7. To make your marriage work, perform the first duty of love, which is to listen.
8. Real love says, “I love you, not because you are the most beautiful in the world, but because you are the only one who can make my world the most beautiful”.
9. Your marriage will be better if you and your partner clearly understood that you are on the same side.
10. In marriage, you must vow to love each other, even if challenges tear you apart, you will always find your way back to each other.