Night Prayers Before Sleep

15 Powerful Good Night Prayers Before Sleep

We’ve got you covered with some powerful night prayers before sleep/ bedtime. Here, you can find the perfect good night prayers that you can say before going to bed to help you end your day in peace and with an eased heart.

It’s not unusual that we live very busy lives, filled with a lot of hustle, stress, and burnout. There’s a constant need to keep going, to keep pushing, even sometimes at the expense of our health.

In between all of this, it’s hard to slow down and keep track of what’s really important. But by pausing and taking a moment to pray and give thanks to the Lord, you are reminded of who you are and you are deeply renewed in spirit.

In our ever-fast-moving world, a few minutes of quiet can make a huge difference. There’s no better time to have those few moments of peace with God than at night or in the evening when all is said and done for the day.

To help you wind down, this article includes the best good night prayers to say before sleep to commit your nights and your heart to God.

12 Powerful Night Prayers Before Sleep

• Bedtime Prayer Of Gratitude

Heavenly Father,

Tonight as we lay in bed, we come before You in gratitude for the day that we have just concluded.

We are grateful for Your hand of protection and preservation that went with us throughout the day.

Thank You for the good and bad times we had in our day and the lessons we learned from them.

Thank You also, for the numerous blessings in our lives. Thank You for making us in Your image and likeness and loving us right through our stubbornness. For the provision of food and water, the roof over our heads, and the people that surround us, we are also grateful. We love You, Lord. Help us to continue to live in awe and gratitude for Your faithfulness in our lives. Bless us and teach us to be good stewards of everything that You place into our hands. Amen.

• Short Night Prayer

My God,

I am grateful for everything You’ve done for me. I lay all my burdens at Your feet because You care for me. As I lay down to sleep, please calm the restlessness in my mind and give me rest.

Speak peace to my mind by Your Spirit. Grant me a refreshing sleep so that when I wake up tomorrow, I may have the strength to go through my day.

Bless me and set your angels over my head to protect me from all evil.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

• Prayer Before Bed

Dear Jesus,

I had a lot of experiences today, both good and bad. But as I go to bed, I leave them all to You. There are so many questions I can’t answer and so many things I’m uncertain of.

But this I know, that You are good and constantly working together all things for my good.

Thank You because I can trust You with my life. As I go to sleep now, I ask that You give me peace.

I do not know what tomorrow holds Lord, but I know You who holds tomorrow, and for this, I will not be afraid. Grant me the strength to face it and the courage to overcome every obstacle. Keep me under Your wings where I will be safe and sound.

Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

• Prayer For Sleep


I haven’t had a good night’s rest lately. I’ve been kept up by so many worries and I can’t just seem to fully rest. My head keeps churning thoughts even when I really want to sleep. I am thankful that even while I was awake, You were also there with me for You do not sleep nor slumber.

This night Lord, I ask that You bring sleep to my eyes. Your Word tells me that You give sleep to those You love and I am so confident of Your unfailing love for me.

Help me to leave my worries behind and lean back in Your arms my Father. Rescue me from my spiraling thoughts and flood my heart with a river of peace.

Thank You for I know You hear me.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

• Bedtime Prayer For Protection

Mighty God,

I am about to go to bed once again.

Thank You for the success of the day that I just concluded. I ask for Your protection as I lay my head down.

Be with me and keep me safe from the evil one and all his plans.

Shield me from darkness, fear, and harm.

Wrap me in your loving arm. Guide my dreams with gentle care,

Let peace and tranquility fill the air. May your angels stand by my side.

Your Word tells me that You will keep me safe from the wicked and I pray with this confidence tonight.

Where there is danger, keep me away. When people seek to make evil plans against me or my family, Lord, let them plot in vain. When they dig a pit for me, let them fall into it.

Keep me from the pestilence that stalks in the darkness.

Be my refuge and help me to continually abide in Your presence all of my days.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

• Evening Prayer For Peace

Prince of Peace,

Let Your tranquility envelop my being even as I am about to go to bed.

Give me peace from the constant spinning of the wheels in my head.

Grant me peace from my struggles.

Quieten all the noise in my mind.

Lead me beside still waters for Your name’s sake.

Even in the chaos that surrounds me and the uncertainty that life comes with, I ask that I will not be moved. Help me grow my faith and confidence in You so that Your peace that passes all human understanding will rest on me. Help me to understand who I am in You and give me the grace to cling to Your promises, so that I may have total rest.

I make this prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

• Goodnight Prayer For Family

My God,

I thank You for the gift of family. I’m grateful for my parents, siblings, spouse, children, and all my extended family. You have demonstrated Your love for me through them as Your Work tells me that You place the solitary in families.

I am also grateful for all the people in my life who I may not be related to by blood but have become family by the bond we share.

Father, as they go to sleep tonight, I ask that You watch over them. Guide them and protect them through all of life’s challenges and obstacles. Give them the strength and courage to be victors in every circumstance.

Let this night be peaceful for them and let the evil one stay far away from them. Keep anxious thoughts away from them. Amen.

• Goodnight Prayer At the End of A Hard Day

My Father,

I had a very difficult time today. I can’t help but cry out to You for help. I desperately need Your grace to get me through this hard time. Forgive my doubts and fears that this day has put into my heart. Forgive me for complaining and for any way I have allowed bitterness to set in my heart.

Father, help me not to lose sight of the fact that You are with me through whatever I face. Remind me of who I am in You. Cause me never to forget that I am carried and helped by You.

Even as I go to bed, please heal my heart. Help me to wake up in a better frame of mind and fill my mind with hope for tomorrow. Cause me to rely on Your wisdom and strength.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

• Night Prayer For Anxious Thoughts

Dear God,

I have gone through my entire day in anxiety. Even now, worry plagues my mind. I am constantly obsessing over the little things, even when I know that You can take care of them all. Father, help me not to go to bed still feeling this way.

Your word tells me not to be anxious, but I must admit that I can’t help it, which is why I’m coming to You for help tonight. I lay all my anxiety at Your feet. Strip my mind of all that keeps me up and grant me sweet serenity. Fill me with an unshakeable awareness that You are in control.

Wrap me in Your peace and breathe life into me for tomorrow.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

• Goodnight Prayer For True Rest

My heavenly Father,

You are the only one who can give true peace to a man’s heart. You freely give rest to Your children and I have come to ask tonight.

As I lay down in my bed hoping to drift off to sleep, I request that you ease my mind. Bring sleep to my eyes and calm to my heart.

Even when I wake up, please help me go about my day from a place of rest, not anxiety. Fill me with the assurance that comes from trusting in You. Help me become better and better at relying on You and not on my strength to get things done.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

• Bedtime Prayer To Draw Closer To God


I thank You for the fellowship that we can enjoy with You because of the sacrifice of our dear Jesus Christ.

Tonight I ask that You help me to go deeper in fellowship, partnership, and intimacy with You. Help me to develop a habit of prayer and study of Your Word. Open my eyes to see the mysteries about You and Your

ways hidden in their depths.

Give me the grace to put You first in all my doings. Teach me to become better at loving those around me, for even if I understood all mysteries, it will be useless if I cannot love. Draw me nearer to the cross and help me to reflect You and Your transforming power to others. Give me the grace to die to my own will and take up Yours. Help me to see You in the details, teaching me of You.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

• Goodnight Blessings


Bless me as I go to bed. Bless my family and all those around me.

May we never lack, nor stray away from You.

Bless my sleep and dreams and wake me up to behold the beautiful world You created again tomorrow. Amen.

Related post: Powerful Night Prayers For Family


Saying a goodnight prayer is a great way to retreat after the day’s work and into God to soak up His calming presence.

It helps you go to bed with the Lord on your mind and wake up with the strength you need to take on the next day.

It’s also a great opportunity to ruminate over your day, appreciating everything you have achieved, making adjustments to the ones you didn’t, and seeking the Lord’s help for a redo. In a world filled with trouble, never forget to draw true peace from the ultimate resting place in the bosom of your lover.

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