Prayers For Pastors strength

22 Intercessory Prayers For Pastors Strength | Short, Powerful, And Scriptural

Perhaps, the greatest gift we can give to our pastors is to pray for them. Even though many of us, unconsciously assume that our pastors are always fine, and think that intercessory prayers for pastors are not necessary, the truth is, our pastors need our prayers.

One of the things the Bible is clear about is concerning praying for our leaders. Several Bible verses show us why and how we should pray for our leaders, irrespective of the position they occupy. Hence, the need to pray scriptural prayers for pastors strength and wisdom.

Praying for our leaders is important because their decisions either affect us directly or directly. Therefore, even though we don’t get to choose who will lead over us all of the time, we have the power to dictate how they lead by our prayers.

Intercessory prayers for pastors, especially, is not only important, but a responsibility every believer must assume. This is important so that they may lead within the jurisdiction of the will, way, and word of the Lord. And as they do, the work prospers in their hands and helps others, whom they lead, to enjoy peace and prosperity.

Instead of complaining and being critical concerning our leaders, and especially our pastors, we must consistently stand in the gap for them and raise scriptural intercessory prayers for our pastors and leaders for strength and wisdom.

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Scriptural Prayers For Pastors And Leaders / Ministers

Maybe one of the clearest of the bible verses that encourage us to pray for our leader is I Timothy 2:1-4

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.”

Our leaders and pastors are also MEN. They can err. They can become discouraged. They can get confused about the next decision to take. They can be attacked by demonic spirits and evil powers. In fact, their position put them in a more dangerous position to be attacked by the enemy.

In this light, we have prepared short scriptural prayers for pastors and leaders you can pray, so they can be spiritually supported for better leadership.

1. Dear Lord, thank you for sending our pastors and leaders to shepherd the church.

I’m grateful for the love you put in their heart for you and your people. I appreciate the unique set of gifts and talents that enrich the pastor’s ministry to bless our church.

I pray that the pastors and leaders be blessed? Help them to sense your presence in such a sweet way. Fill the pastors up, Lord, and use them for your glory.

And Lord, show me how I can support and encourage them, so they can continually be a blessing to the church and the community.

This is my heartfelt prayer, in Jesus’ name. (Amen).

2. Dear Lord, Jesus, please protect my pastor from the deceitfulness of sin and riches that we all are so prone to. Guard him against the seduction of the enemy.

Keep his conscience tender to your leadership. Make his will stronger against demonic suggestions.

Keep him close to you and close to your word. In Jesus’ name. (Amen)

3. Dear Father, thank you, for a pastor that seeks you with a whole heart.

The pastor’s singular desire, Lord, is to serve and please you. So, heavenly Father, show the pastor the way. Give the pastor your vision. Grant him clarity on grey areas. Make the complex simple.

It’s easy to be distracted by many voices, so Father let the pastor hear but one voice, and let that voice be yours.

And then give the pastor boldness to step out in faith to accomplish your plans for our ministry and for our church and our community.

These things I pray with hope and expectation, in Jesus’ name.

4. Dear Holy Spirit, today I pray for the fruits of the spirit in my pastor’s life—that love, joy, peace, and patience will guide; that kindness and goodness will be his companions; that faithfulness will be the motto, and that gentleness and self-control will be evident to all.

Help the pastor to see each person today through your eyes. And help them to see you in the pastor.

I love you, Lord, and I thank you for my pastor, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

5. Lord, thank you for my pastors and leaders.

Please bless them with the desire to search for wisdom continually. As they seek that wisdom, may they find it in the pages of your word, through the Holy Spirit, and the holy counsel of other mature believers.

Thank you, God, for blessings my pastor and ministry leaders with your divine wisdom! Amen.

6. God, thank you that you are a faithful God. Help my pastor to remember that you keep your promises and that you’re true to your words.

Encourage him as he serves you. Help him to continually rest in your provision. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

7. Lord, help my pastor to have a strong life of prayer. Help them to connect with you through conversation that takes place through prayer.

Bless my pastor with a prayer life that helps him learn how to align with your will and purpose. Show Your power to my pastor and other ministry leaders through their times of prayer. Amen.

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Intercessory Warfare Prayers For Pastors / Church Leadership

The enemy has no respect for anyone. They wage war against the brethren and the pastors. In fact, the pastors face more fights from the devil, because they are standing in the gap for people and interceding on their behalf for victory.

As much as we want our pastors to pray for us, we must not also forget to make intercessory prayers for pastors and leaders.

Either as a pastor, or a concerned brethren, warfare prayers for pastors, should be made consistently for them.

1. Dear Lord, my pastors, and leaders are on the front line; they are an easy target for the enemy and his minions. Protect them and guard them against the wiles of the devil.

Though they might walk through the valley of the shadow of death, may they never see death.

Even though a thousand may fall by their right and ten thousand by their left, no harm is permitted to befall them.

2. Father, help my pastor to overcome the fight over distractions.

There will be hundreds of distractions in my pastor’s life today—fires to put out, unexpected twists and turns, and the noise and clutter of the world.

I know that the deceiver will do anything he can to keep my pastor from studying, praying, and effective service. So, I lift my pastor up to you, dear Lord, asking you to help him keep the main thing the main thing.

Give “blinders” so that my pastor is keenly focused on you and on your purpose for life and ministry, this day. In Jesus’ name.

3. God, please protect my pastor from the evil one. We know that the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. I ask for spiritual protection for my pastors and ministry leaders.

Help them to be in the world so they can serve you, but not of the world, so they can remain worthy servants. This is my prayer for them in Jesus’ name. Amen.

4. Dear Lord, you are the Lord of Hosts, release your innumerable companies of angels to fight the battles of my pastor and leaders.

Give them victory over both known and unknown attack of the enemy.

Help them to fight the good fight of faith and to be victorious. make them more than a conqueror, indeed.

5. Every arrow fired against them by the evil ones, I send them back to the sender in Jesus’ name.

You’ll cause them to run through tropes without any form of hindrance, and help them to climb over walls of restriction.

This is my prayer for my pastorate and the leadership of my church in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Short Prayers For Pastors Strength

No matter how many smiles we may see in the faces of our pastors and leaders, they also can become weak at a point in time.

They often get going despite their weakness and discouragement simply because they are committed to serving the people.

Mind you, most of the plight of leaders and pastors, are as a result of their commitment to serve the people under them.

Even if all you can mutter are short prayers for pastors strength, it will go a long way to supply them the supernatural strength needed to keep going.

1. Father, give my pastor strength of character. Help my ministry leader to maintain character even when he is challenged. Allow my pastor to continue to be sanctified, grow in faith and strong character so that those who speak against them will be ashamed. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

2. Dear Lord, even though my pastor serves our church with what seems like boundless energy, no one is superhuman. I know the pastor gets really weary. The demands on the body and spirit are nearly unending.

Would you let my pastor find respite and relaxation from the day? Would you clear his mind from worries and anxiety? Please, give him a good sleep tonight, and refresh him for another day of kingdom service.

Bless my pastor, oh Lord, for faithfulness. So he can be encouraged to continue in faithful service to you.

3. Dear Lord, I come to you today, interceding for my pastor.

I know there will be many important decisions that must be made, many words that must be chosen carefully, and many needs that must be answered. It’s a day that the pastor can’t handle with only human abilities. Bless my pastor with your wisdom and your guidance.

Only you know what today will bring, and only you know what the demands will be. Meet them, oh Lord, and give the pastor just what is needed, and the grace to forge ahead. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

4. Heavenly Father, I’m praying for My pastor, who has been preaching your word faithfully from the pulpit each week as a community leader, and a completely sold-out servant to you.

Dear Holy Spirit, empower this day, and always, to boldly proclaim the truth of your word.

Help the pastor not to grow weary in well-doing. Help him not to fall away.

Lord, provide grace upon grace for him and the entire leadership of the church. I Jesus’ name. Amen

5. Dear Lord, grant unto my pastors, and the entire leadership, the grace to continue in the face of discouragement. The wisdom to forge ahead in time of confusion and the power to continually be effective even when the devil comes against them, in Jesus’ name. amen.

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Prayer For Pastor And Family

It’s not news that, in most cases, pastors’ families are often involved in the price for Christian leadership.

Their lack of time and attention for the family, sometimes, results into a wide gap in the family, which may turn out to become an unpleasant situation.

It is, therefore, necessary to make intercessory prayer for pastors and family, as a way to divinely close the gap their commitment to the people has left on their family.

1. Father, I pray for my pastor and his family, that whatever gap has been left in his family due to his commitment to the work of the ministry, be closed by your divine power and wisdom.

2. O Lord, I pray for him, his wife, and children, that wherever they are weak, they shall be supernaturally strengthened.

Wherever they are in need, they shall be divinely provided for.

The wisdom to balance family and ministry shall be given to them in the name of Jesus.

3. Jesus, we know that children are a blessing and a crown. Thank you for my pastor’s children. Protect their hearts and minds so they can stand strong against outside pressures.

Help me and others to love them for who they are and not expect them to act a certain way just because they are the child of a pastor.

Bring them friends to encourage and support them. Keep them faithful to You. In Your Name, Amen.

4. Lord, bless my pastor’s marriage. Strengthen the bonds of their marriage and give them opportunities to nurture their relationship.

Guard their heart against temptations from weakening their bond and from destroying their home.

Help them to enjoy an enviable home filled with lots of fun and romance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

5. Father, I pray that their needs be met as a family. They’ve sacrificed a lot for the brethren, Lord, bless them in return. Help them to enjoy prosperity and a peaceful home.

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